We believe exceptional results start with exceptional patient care, so our team makes sure every patient receives the highest possible level of personalized and compassionate care in the region.
If you have any questions or concerns not addressed here, please don’t hesitate to contact our office during regular business hours so we can help you as quickly as possible.
General FAQs
What is the address of the office?
3810 Springhurst Blvd. Suite 310, Louisville, KY 40241
Is the office located on “Maps” on the iPhone ?
Yes. You can search “Louisville Hip and Knee Institute” on any smart device to locate the office and use your phone as GPS.
Where is the surgery center, Landmark Surgical Suites, located?
The surgery center is located in Southern Indiana, a short distance across the East End (Lewis and Clark) Bridge. The address is 2990 Gottbrath Parkway, Jeffersonville, IN 47130. It can also be located by searching “Landmark Surgical Suites” on any smart device.
What hospitals do the physicians do their surgeries?
Dr. Greene and Dr. Yerasimidies perform most of their surgeries at our outpatient surgery center, Landmark Surgical Suites. However, if they feel an overnight stay is best for the patient they also perform surgery at Norton Brownsboro Hospital and Baptist Health Lagrange.
Appointment FAQs
Do you all perform X-rays in the office or do I have to go somewhere else for that?
We perform x-ray imaging in the office at the time of your appointment. However, if you have had recent imaging performed on the hip or knee you are being seen for you can bring those images in on a CD for us to look at. If I bring in an X-ray will I still have to get X-rays in your office? If the X-rays are of the hip/knee, and are within 6 months of your office visit, you most likely won’t require an X-ray.
Can I view my X-ray image via disc?
Patients CANNOT see their image because they do not have the compatible software to upload and view. EVOVIEW is the LHKI system – it is NOT compatible with OMNIVIEW or KONICA – so if the patient needs to take it to another doctor for viewing that office must have compatible software.
How can I have my X-ray images?
As long as our X-ray techs have time to pull up the X-ray, you can take a picture of your image with your camera phone.
Can we fill out paperwork on the patient portal?
No, but we have simplistic paperwork that can be filled out in a few minutes after arrival.
Billing FAQs
What will the patient responsibility be for surgery?
Louisville Hip & Knee Institute will only bill for your surgeon and will provide you with an approximate explanation of this cost prior to your surgery. For costs associated with the surgical suites or hospital, it would be necessary to discuss your responsibility with these institutions or your insurance company.
Who will pre-certify the surgery with my insurance?
Our team will contact your insurance company to pre-certify your surgery. If possible, we will start the precertification process at least 30 days in advance. We will contact you if any issues arise requiring patient involvement.
How can I get my FMLA or disability paperwork completed for my employer?
Bring your FMLA or disability paperwork into our office or fax it to 833-974-2507, along with the company mailing address or fax number for returning completed forms. Our team will ensure it’s filled out and filed where it needs to go. There is a $10 fee for each set of paperwork, and we ask that you allow us 7-10 business days to get the appropriate forms completed.
What will I be required to pay upfront for surgery?
We require payment upfront and will make sure you are aware of this responsibility. This is an estimated cost for your surgery based upon your insurance plan coverage. This estimated cost is for the Louisville Hip and Knee Institute’s physician fee only and does not include any services that may be billed by the surgery center/hospital and the anesthesiologist. Payment for the surgery is due 2 weeks prior to the surgery date. You can pay this via phone by calling 502-447-5633 or you can mail your payment to the office. If there is a balance after insurance processes your claim you will receive a bill in the mail.
The surgical suites or the hospital may require payment upfront as well. Those facilities will contact you ahead of time and let you know how much to bring with you on the day of surgery.
Post-op FAQs
What will recovery be like after joint replacement?
We tell patients the recovery process is like achieving milestones in a long-distance race. The first phase is to regain mobility around the house and with activities of daily living. This usually involves a walker for 1-2 weeks and then a transition to a cane. Most people need help at home for the first week and then are back to being independent. You’re able to drive when you’re comfortable on a walker or cane, are not taking narcotic pain pills, and have been approved by your surgeon’s team (usually a PA) to drive.
The next phase is range of motion. Most people are able to return to work between 4-8 weeks after a joint replacement, depending on what type of work they do.
The final phase is strengthening and endurance. This takes 6-18 months to achieve final function depending on a variety of factors.
How much weight can I put on the leg?
Most people with first time joint replacement can begin to walk and bear full weight the day within hours of the surgery.
What will the pain be like?
You will experience pain after surgery. It will be different from the pain you are experiencing before surgery and should improve gradually during your recovery period. Your surgeon, anesthesiologist, and nurse will utilize multiple strategies to manage your pain including medication, positioning, ice, and activity. Sleeping comfortably can take 3 months to improve consistently.
How much therapy is involved?
A physical therapist is a coach, but recovery of motion, strength, and function is up to the patient. It is up to the patient to maintain strength, health, and activity to get the most out of their joint replacement.
The recommended physical therapy duration will depend on a variety of factors in addition to your level of commitment.
Surgery FAQs
How long should I plan to be at the surgery center?
For joint replacements it is estimated to take about 5 hours. For knee arthroscopies it is estimated to take about 2 hours.
How long is the actual procedure?
Knee scopes- 15-30 minutes. Knee and hip replacements: about 1 hour. Knee and Hip revisions: about 2 hours.
Where can I get my pre-op labs and EKG done?
Anywhere that works best for you. Some PCP offices can complete these. If not, any outpatient facility can compete the orders
How long should I take off work?
Recommended time for knee scopes is at least 2 weeks. Recommended time for knee or hip replacements is 6-8 weeks.
If I need bilateral replacements, when is it safe to proceed with the second procedure?
We recommend 3 months after the first procedure
What kind of anesthesia will I get?
Replacements- spinal. Scopes- General and local anesthesia.
What time do I arrive for surgery?
If you are scheduled at landmark surgical suites, they will call you a few days prior to tell you a time. If you are scheduled at Norton or Baptist, our office will call you a few days prior to tell you a time.
Do I need someone to drive me to surgery?
Yes, you will need someone to take you to surgery and pick you up.
Does someone call me from the facility to tell me about my medications?
Yes, a nurse from our anesthesia department will call with information regarding your medications and when to stop them.